Buttock Procedures Gallery
There are 2 different buttock procedures to increase the size of your buttocks:
1) Brazilian Butt Lift: Fat injections or fat transfer to the butt
2) Butt Implants: Insertion of silicone implants
The Brazilian Butt Lift is a type of butt augmentation procedure which results in a youthful, prominent, perky buttocks and a more sensual body profile. People of all ages are having the brazilian butt lift procedure. Dr. Guzman removes the fat from selected areas of your body, purifies the fat, then reinjects selected donor fat cells into your buttocks. The process of fat reinjection involves scores or hundreds of injections. The procedure is designed to fill the upper quadrant of your buttocks so that the butt appears lifted and perky. The resulting effect is that the woman appears more attractive and sensuous.
Butt Implants or Gluteal Implants are either a soft solid silicon block or silicon shell containing cohesive silicon gel. Both types of implant are safe, it does not cause any allergic or toxic reaction to the body, it can be sterilize, it does not induce any soft tissue diseases or malignant transformation and it can be removed easily when indicated. These implants are often used for augmentation or enlargement surgery of the buttock region and occasionally for gluteal reconstruction in treatment of asymmetry. Implants are placed in a pocket created either beneath the fascial covering of the gluteal muscle or within the muscle. Both implantation sites are well tolerated by the body and have very predictable and pleasing outcome or results.
The Booty Buddy
Dr. Christian Guzman Recommends The Booty Buddy.
The Booty Buddy Brazilian Butt Lift Cushion is a patented support system created to help comfortably support people after Buttock Augmentation. The patented Booty Buddy seat cushion works by supporting your thighs which enables your butt to hang free when seated with no pressure added.
*Available in our office
**Disclaimer…This product ‘The Booty Buddy’ is only a recommendation from Dr. Christian Guzman. You are not required or forced to purchase this product sold by The Booty Buddy. ‘The Booty Buddy’ is provided as is without any guarantees or warranty. In association with the product, the company ‘The Booty Buddy’ makes no warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, of title, or of no infringement of third party rights. Use of the product by a user is at the user’s risk.